Accessing CareATC SharePoint for External Users
This document will help you gain access to content that has been shared from a CareATC Employee.
- When content is shared to you, as an external user, you will receive an email with an “Open” link as shown below.
- In the email, click “Open”
Clicking that link will open a new Internet browser window as shown below.
Bookmark the page that says, ‘Verify Your Identity’ so you will be able to navigate back to the login screen for future access.
Next, enter your email address and click Next.
Check your inbox for another email that contains an 8-digit verification code.
Enter that 8-digit code into the verification form. You will now have access to the Share.
To Access the share again, use the Bookmark previously saved in step 2. You will need to reauthenticate if the session expires.