Online Account Registration Troubleshooting
Online Account Registration -
Trouble Shooting Guide
Member unable to register a new account
Determine at what point the member was given the fail notification alerting them that something went wrong, and we are unable to register the account. There are two places the notification can be given:
1. Eligibility Fail: The member entered their First Name, Last Name, DOB, Last 4 SSN, Employer and complete address but never got to the Verification Quiz Questions. This notification signifies an error when the information provided did not match 1:1 with the eligibility information on file provided by the employer. Either there is no match or there is more than one match.
2. Verification Quiz Fail: The member entered their First Name, Last Name, DOB, Last 4 SSN, Employer and complete address and passed the eligibility portion of the process. The member was asked a series of questions to verify their identity. This notification signifies the member was found in eligibility, however they did not pass the verification portion of the process. There could be several reasons for the Verification Quiz Fail, either too many questions were answered incorrectly, the time limit was exceeded, not enough database information on the member, or possibly bad data on the member causing missed questions.
Once the location of the fail notification is determined, follow the steps associated with the fail notification identified:
Eligibility Fail: Ensure that the member is inputting the information the employer has on file. For instance, the employer will likely be using a legal name, if the member is inputting a nickname, they will want to use the legal name on file with their employer. If the member recently changed their name (ie marriage or divorce) but it has not been updated with the employer, they will want to use the name on file or have the employer update the eligibility file with the appropriate name.
* If the information appears to be correct on both sides, have the member provide a phone number so we may research the issue and call them back. The member will immediately go into the fail queue at the time of failing the eligibility steps, regardless if they provide a phone number.
* An alert will not be generated for these members in Scheduling Hub, Clinic Dashboard, Member Search, Clinic and Team Draw Queues because at this point we cannot definitively identify the correct member. * A designated representative will be responsible for researching the eligibility issue and a PAC staff member will need to follow up with the member within 2 business days. * In the meantime, the member can still be scheduled for a clinic or PHA appointment through the standard PAC process.
* If the member contacts the PAC and eligibility is an issue, the PAC can determine if the member is in the fail queue due to eligibility and can attempt to resolve the eligibility issue as they typically would. It’s important to document the Attempt Viewer notes and status and provide the best phone number for the member as well.
* The PAC can also inform the member that the issue is being researched and someone will be in touch with them within two business days, however if the member is trying to schedule an appointment within the next two business days, this could cause an issue for the Clinic or with the PHA draw so it’s best to resolve these issues ahead of time when possible.
* Once the eligibility issue is resolved, we can encourage the member to go through the online account registration process again. We can send a link either via email or text to the member and provide the link that will allow them to go directly to the verification quiz.
Verification Quiz Fail: The Verification Quiz can be taken more than once if the member ran out of time or answered the first quiz incorrectly, however there is a limit to how many times the member can fail within a designated amount of time.
* Similar to the Eligibility Fail, the member will be prompted to provide a contact phone number so the issue can be researched. Technology Support will research the reason for the verification quiz fail. Once the issue is resolved and research is complete, a PAC representative will follow up with the member within 2 business days.
* In the meantime, the member can schedule a clinic or PHA appointment through the standard PAC process.
* The member details will automatically go into the fail queue at the time of failing the first verification quiz and an alert will be generated in Scheduling Hub, Clinic Dashboard, Member Search and the Clinic and PHA Team Draw Queues notifying CareATC employees that the member was unable to register their account and can be identified at a PHA Team Draw or clinic appointment if they provide a photo ID.
* Since the member has been verified in eligibility and identity verified at the time of the clinic visit or PHA appointment, the clinic staff or PHA team member can generate a text or email link that will allow the member to bypass the verification quiz process and register their account. This link is effective for 24 hours and will not be usable after the time limit expires
* All member communication will be conducted through the PAC, an email will be generated to the general PAC inbox with a notification to contact a patient and either gather additional information, instruct the member on next steps, or provide a link to the member to complete the registration process-email or mobile phone number for the link will need to be obtained by a PAC staff member as well as generation of the notification.
Member recovery preference issues
The recovery preference is required to provide a simple and secure method of recovering the member account if the login information is forgotten. A link will be sent either via text or email (depending on the option preferred by the member) to the phone number or email set up by the member at the time of the account registration.
The recovery preference is not optional. The member must provide either a cell phone number that is eligible to receive text notifications, or an email address available to send email notifications. The member can provide both if they prefer a secondary option be available.
A verification code will be sent either via text or email (depending on the member preference) to the phone number or email provided by the member. If the code is not received within a minute via text and 2 minutes via email, they can choose to resend the code. Ensure the member has confirmed the correct information was entered and have checked their spam/trash folder in their email. The member can also opt to select “I can’t access my email right now” if they don’t currently have access to obtain the email verification code.
Also, if the email is being sent to a work email, the company may have a firewall in place that delays the email message. The member may want to choose an alternate email address or wait for the message to process through the firewall. * If the information is correct, and the verification code is not generating, a support ticket will need to be created and sent to Technology Support for further research. A PAC representative will reach out to the patient within 2 business days with instructions on how to proceed.
Forgot Login Credentials (Username and/or Password)
If a member inputs the incorrect password 6 times, they will be locked out of their account and unable to login with the correct password for one hour. If the member follows the steps below to recover their account and reset their password, their account will be unlocked.
If the member forgets their login credentials, they will be required to select “Forgot Username/Password” on the login screen. From there they will be prompted to select a recovery method based on what they selected when they originally set up their account. They have an option to receive an email to the email address on file or a text message to the phone number on file. They may have two options if they elected to have both.
Once they select the phone number or email they want the recovery information sent to, a link will be sent with instructions to reset the username or password associated with the account.
If there is not a recovery method available, or the recovery method that appears is no longer available to receive texts or email, the member will have to select “Take Verification Quiz” and will be required to go through the verification quiz process to verify their identity.
Account Registration Troubleshooting
Service Agreement
The service agreement is a standard legal document that requires the member to agree to the terms of usage of the Patient Portal and the Mobile App. The service agreement is in place to legally protect the member and CareATC. The member must read and agree to the terms of the service agreement by selecting “I agree” at the bottom of the agreement in order to access the patient portal and/or mobile app. There is no way for the member to bypass the service agreement and access their online account.
Username Requirements
- Must be unique (no two members can have the same username)
- Must contain at least six characters
- Can contain the following special characters associated with an email address as a username:
- Period (.)
- Dash (-)
- Underscore (_)
At (@)
Password Requirements
- Must have a minimum of 10 characters and include characters from three of the following four categories: English uppercase characters (A through Z), English lowercase characters (a through z), Base 10 digits (0 through 9) or non-alphabetic characters (!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~,/,:,-)
- Users will be prohibited from re-using the last 3 previously used passwords
The maximum password age is 90 days and is required to be changed after that interval.
Mobile Communication Preferences
- Member can choose what types of notifications they would like to receive via mobile text messaging. The member can select one or all checkboxes. If the member deselects all boxes, they will receive a notification that they are opting out of all mobile notifications, however they can continue with the process if they desire to move on and not receive mobile text notifications. This will not inhibit the ability to register their account or later recover their account if username/password are forgotten.