Dispensing Medication Refills

Provider Prescribes RX: 

In order for the Refill Center to work effectively, the Provider needs to prescribe the medication with the appropriate number of refills. This is based upon the Provider’s discretion. The RX will then be e-prescribed to the CareATC pharmacy as normal.  

Login to the Dispensing Program: 

CareATC Dispensing Site >>  Click Here

Refill Center: 

Dispense from the Refill Center Queue: 

Medications will appear similar to the Dispensing Queue. This page will show:  

  • Next Refill Due Date
  • Number of Refills available
  • Medication Name with dosage and quantity
  • Patient’s name

From this page, click on the shopping cart and dispense per normal process of dispensing medications, including the Provider signing off on the medication.  

Documentation in eCW: 

  • Create a Telephone Encounter in eCW reflecting the Medication Refill Request. (You may already have one from the PAC.)
  • Under the RX tab, select the medication requested into the note.
  • Click on the RX and adjust the number of Refills.

  • Ensure all proper documentation regarding the phone call and/or refill request is entered into the message tab under Action Taken.
  • Once complete, Lock the note by changing the Status from Open to Addressed. 

*** NOTE: Provider will still need to initial the medication bottle and "receipt" 

If No Refills are Available: 

If there are no refills available for the patient, the MA will send a Telephone Encounter to the Provider with the following information:  

  • Medication Requested– Pull down from the RX Tab
  • Last Lab Date
  • Last Office Visit date related to the requested medication
  • Last Refill Date

Assign the Telephone Encounter to the Provider for review. Once completed by the provider, the MA will receive this note back and dispense from the Queue as normal.